Bacuri Butter...What Can It Do For Me? Rhonda WaltersBacuri butter is now a part of RareGlo Bug Glo Away to aid in previous bug bites and help to protect against bug bites in the first place. Try some...
Join Us at YMCA of Frederick, Md For Soul Street PopUp Rhonda WaltersSoul Street PopUp August 15, 10am to 2 pm. At Frederick, Md YMCA at 1000 N. Market St. Buy Black!
WHAT IS SKIN? Do We Respect It? Rhonda WaltersWhy should we care about our skin? When we know what purpose it serves, then we can treat it with respect.
What's In A Name? Rhonda WaltersThis top selling scent is here to stay! Based on customer feedback and input, Monkey Farts is now Monkey Fruits
In Our Present Climate, Where Do We Go from Here? Rhonda WaltersWe are in a position to start the process of real change in this country. Lets not let this opportunity pass us by. Black Lives Matter!